Archives: Podcast

Episode 87: When The Glory Departs

What happens when the glory of God departs? A true move of God is the glory of God, and without it, we are empty. In this episode, Steve goes to 1 Samuel and talks about the way wickedness shuts out God. But God wants to dwell among us! If we follow God and His Word, revival will come. We can experience the fullness of His glory!

Episode 86: YES or NO

YES or NO? When God speaks, how do you respond? Our answer can either help or hinder revival. God says ‘yes’ to us—being the good father, providing for us, protecting us, and keeping His promises. In this episode, Steve talks about the power of God’s promises, the importance of our ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses, and why we need to reform our understanding of grace. Will you say ‘yes’ to God today?

Episode 85: Stiff-necked People

Who are “stiff-necked people”? Before his death, the first martyr Stephen faced his accusers, who were stiff-necked religious leaders that resisted the Holy Spirit. In this episode, Steve explores the importance of Stephen’s last stand and what it teaches us as Christians today. We must choose whether to resist the Spirit or move with it.

Episode 84: On The Verge

What if your church is on the verge of revival?! In this episode, Steve goes to the Bible to answer this question. Revival has certain indicators, and God moves in a distinct way. We must recognize revival so that we don’t miss out on all that God wants to do. Will you be ready and respond to the call of God?

Episode 83: Choose Me, Jesus!

“Choose me, Jesus!” At the core of revival, the hearts of God’s people cry out for His presence. In this episode, Steve talks about Zacchaeus’ determination to see Jesus and why Jesus picked him out of the crowd. Even the unlikely can come to Jesus and be chosen. Is that you?

Episode 82: Break The Silence

Let’s BREAK THE SILENCE just like Jesus did! After 400 “silent” years, the Son of God brought with him a new wave of people—ordinary but involved with God activity. In this episode, Steve points to the godless and lawless society we live in and addresses what the people of God can do. Are you willing?

Episode 81: Choose Your Position

Choose your position! Life doesn’t just happen to you. You decide the course of your life
and where you sit in the Kingdom of God! In this episode, Steve goes to the story of Mary and Martha and looks at how we shoulder worry and answer the call of Jesus.

Episode 80: Where Help Comes From

Who will save us? Where does help come from? In this episode, Steve continues his teaching on the Good Samaritan. We try to be the superhero (or Good Samaritan) in our own lives, but the world continually tries to attack us and leave us for dead. We need revival—help that may come from an unexpected, surprising source.

Episode 79: Helpless People & Selfish Religion

We have a PROBLEM! A selfish religious system creates helpless people. The result is that the people in churches are just as discouraged and fearful as the people out in the world. We need a fresh move of God to rescue us.

Episode 78: The Good Father

When is The End of The World? Is it NEAR?! The world is already so full of trouble and tribulation. Movies imagine an “apocalypse,” and preachers talk about the “end times” and the “rapture.” In this episode, Steve goes to 2 Peter to see what the Bible tells us. We don’t have to fear destruction if we live right because we have a good Father.

Episode 77: Send The Rain!

Revival often starts with one person. Is that you? In this episode, Steve looks at the example of the prophet Elijah, who knew how to get ready for revival and wait on God. Today, there is a spiritual drought, and we need God to send the rain! Will we do what it takes to get the presence and power of God in our lives and churches?

Episode 76: Ego On The Outside, And A Good That Overcomes Evil

There is an ego on the outside, and a good that OVERCOMES evil… Unfortunately, those two things do not work together. Evil has invaded our world and surrounds us. Every Christian has the opportunity to overcome it! The question is, will believers do what it takes to stand against the evil? Steve discusses the choice we have, the power of God at our disposal, and the roadblocks that prevent us from being victorious.

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