About This Episode:

What do Christians and aliens have in common? In this episode, Steve and special guests Pastor J.D. King and Zion Vierra talk about UFO sightings that have landed in the news recently. 

UFOs (unidentified flying objects) are an example of things we might see in this world that we cannot explain and do not understand. Whether these UFOs are actually sightings of extraterrestrial life, foreign espionage technology, or even elements of the supernatural, they should not and must not shake the steadfastness of our faith in God. 

A Power Greater Than Ourselves

Why do people often portray or envision aliens as being far more advanced than humans? 

Guest Zion Vierra tackles this question, commenting on how people—believers or not—want to believe a power greater than themselves exists.

Guest and author J.D. King notes that increased UFO sightings also occurred in the 1960s and 1970s. Similar to today, that era was marked by social and political unrest, as well as increased paranoia, uncertainty, and existential questions. People open their minds and feelings to new possibilities because they are in search of something that might answer their questions and anxieties.

“God has always been and will always be the ultimate power.”

The Good News

Steve addresses the irony of people all over the world chasing after encounters with UFOs and aliens, as they’re desperately seeking a power greater than their own. Meanwhile, God has always been and will always be the ultimate power. He has power greater than death—eternal life! No other creature, phenomenon, or power can offer what Jesus offers: an encounter with the one true living God! We are in the unique and divinely appointed position to preach the Good News to the world. People do not need to hunt for Bigfoot or UFOs once they find Jesus. God is the hope and power that revives and transforms our lives! 

Further Bible Reading:

Colossians 1:16 (NIV)

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.
  • What do you do when you encounter things you don’t understand or cannot explain in this world? 
  • Is God the greatest power and the source of hope in your life?   

Purchase J.D.’s books: Regeneration, You’ve Been Duped, and Shift: Leading in Transition at The Resurgence Store.

Listen to previous episodes of Revive Us Now Podcast here.

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