Archives: Podcast

Episode 15: From Fear to Faith – Pt. 2

How do we go from fear to faith? It’s easier than you think! If you’ve ever walked in fear, you can walk by faith. In this episode, Steve shares an invaluable learning moment the disciples had with Jesus and how we can start activating our faith today and every day.

Episode 14: From Fear to Faith – Pt. 1

God has called each and every one of us to go from fear to faith! What if we could stop making decisions based on fear and live our lives free of fear? As believers, we are equipped with His Word, and God can do greater things in us and through us than we can even imagine if we embrace Him and His Word and reject fear. It’s only a matter of what we choose to listen to and how we choose to respond.

Episode 13: Don’t Start with Morality

Don’t start with morality! Jesus asked the disciples to extend their faith and extend their nets. Even when Peter tried to withdraw as an unworthy sinner, Jesus drew the disciples to himself and affirmed their calling to serve the Kingdom as “fishers of men.” In this episode, Steve reveals the threat of Christianity becoming a moralizing religion. Morality makes us as Christians “me-centered” when we need to be Jesus-centered.

Episode 12: What You Lack

What you lack is the fullness of God and His Kingdom in your life. Oftentimes we might feel like something is missing from our lives. We shouldn’t have to feel that way when we know God and make Him the top priority! Steve examines the Biblical account of the rich young ruler and describes how believers set themselves up to miss out on the fullness of God’s life and power.

Episode 11: The Truth About Salvation

Have you activated the truth about salvation in your life? The reason “being a Christian” has lost power in today’s world is because many people do not understand or accept the fullness of salvation. Steve explains how true salvation is an exchange of Jesus’ life for our lives.

Episode 10: A Fresh Anointing

How do I get a fresh anointing from God? In the Bible and in the present day, some people refuse to allow Jesus to rule over their lives. If we seek God and position ourselves, God could choose us to receive His anointing and mantle.

Episode 9: Secrets of the Kingdom

Do you know the secrets of the Kingdom? The Kingdom of God has come to us and is active
today! Steve talks about how the Kingdom of God works and what it’s presence means for our

Episode 8: Recapture the Glory of God

It is essential for the Church to recapture the glory of God. Christians are told that God lives in our hearts, but there is little evidence of Him in our everyday lives. Steve reminds us that making God our priority is what brings the blessing and presence of God into our lives and our churches.

Episode 7: Three Ways to Get Revival

How do we get revival? In this episode, Steve tells us the three ways that revival comes to churches. An outbreak of God’s power can happen in any town, any church, or any nation where the people want God more than anything else. We must be open to how God wants to work if we want to get revival.

Episode 6: What’s Your Order, God?

The earth is groaning! Just like the times of Noah, the world today is experiencing violence unrest, extreme weather, and chaos, and that is not God’s order. God is calling us to partner with Him in creating something new. If we are truly willing to have a change of heart, revival can transform our churches and our lives!

Episode 5: Future of Our Nation

The future of America is in your hands! Steve calls on Christians to make the Church a place that welcomes the visitation of God. Only believers, by the Spirit of God, can save America.

Episode 4: Victory over Lukewarmness

God wants us to be victorious, but first we must be in need of Him! The lukewarmness that exists in churches and the lives of Christians today is stopping God from reviving and empowering us. Steve examines Revelation 3 and shares how we can draw God back into our churches.

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