Archives: Podcast

Episode 51: Living Water, Living Sacrifice

Revival means that we will have Jesus’ torrents of living water flowing out of us! The world is ever changing, and the church has gotten stale with religion. God has called us to be a living sacrifice, holy, and conformed to His image. It’s time to put God first and stop clinging to the world.

Episode 50: The Harvest Is Now

The harvest is now! Jesus told his disciples—and is telling us—that now is the time for revival, and there’s no time to waste. In this episode, Steve looks at what the Bible teaches about “now” moments, when God wants to move but is waiting on His people to act. Are we ready, or are we needlessly waiting? Will we do the will of God, or will our own wills cause us to miss the harvest?

Episode 49: Something New

It’s time for something new! Jesus has plenty of new wine, but where will we put it? In this episode, Steve examines Matthew 9:17 and the importance of “new wine” and “new wineskins” to Christians and the church today. God desires to bring renewed life and a fresh move of His power, presence, and glory. Will the people of God be ready to receive it?

Episode 48: God Is A Consuming Fire

Our God is a consuming fire! Nothing else and no one else can bring life and revival back to His people. In this episode, Steve shares his own experience of being consumed by God. He discusses the devotion and fervency needed for revival and pursuit of God. NOW is the time for us to pray and pursue God! Are you ready for the fire?

Episode 47: The Victorious Life

Grab hold of the victorious life! You don’t need to rely on the world for answers or spend your life trying to get rich and be happy. Life can be difficult, but the ultimate answer, the rescue, and all hope in God. You can live victoriously.

Episode 46: Feed The Spirit

Feed the spirit! Don’t let your spirit dry up and starve. If you have, it’s not too late… God can bring you personal revival! In this episode, Steve explains the Biblical concept of “walking by the Spirit.” We as believers not only love God but also must let the Spirit lead our lives.

Episode 45: Restore His Honor

Why revival? Because we must restore His honor! Jesus Christ came down to earth and won the victory. God gave us a purpose, but are we making God our priority? In this episode, Steve explores how the fall of Satan and the creation of humanity start the story of revival.

Episode 44: Democracy Under Attack

Democracy in America is under attack! The world is changing at such a rapid pace—not always for the better. In this episode, Steve gets at the root of why our democracy is under fire. The church is sick and in need of revival! Will the people of God turn their hearts and minds back to God alone?

Episode 43: Lose Yourself

LOSE YOURSELF. That is the way to revival. Steve looks at what the Word of God says about the times in which we live. These may be ‘terrible times,’ but God has offered us a way to live in freedom and victory! Listen to this episode to find out how.

Episode 42: Grace Says “No”

If the power of God’s grace is active in our lives, we must say ‘NO’ to ungodliness. In this episode, Steve addresses misconceptions about grace, and what the Bible really says about it. It’s not a get-out-of-jail free card, but rather unearned favor that empowers us to live daily and advance God’s Kingdom.

Episode 41: Waging A Losing War

It’s time for the children of God to stop waging a losing war! In this podcast, Steve talks about the enemy we face, why we need revival, and its cost. “Revival is costly, but the cost of not having revival is unthinkable.” So what’s stopping us from running after revival and winning the war? Listen and find out.

Episode 40: Clueless Generation

We are in danger of being a clueless generation, just as in the days of Noah. A flood is coming, and we are missing all the signs! In this episode, Steve tells about the “flood” that is waiting to strike our world and what we can do to stop it. LISTEN so you know how to avoid being part of the clueless generation. Be part of the next move of God!

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