Archives: Podcast

Episode 63: To Be Holy

God commands us to “make every effort to be holy.” What does this mean? What is holiness? How do I do it? Many Christians don’t try to live holy lives—and they miss out. God calls for us to be holy for his awesome purposes. If we set ourselves apart, then we will see the Lord and experience His presence and power.

Episode 62: I Want To Get Well!

‘Do you want to get well?’ Jesus asked the man at the pool this question (in John 5). Jesus is asking us that question today. So many Christians are sick. Physically sick, emotionally sick, and spiritually sick! The problem is…they don’t want to get better?! In this episode, Steve explains the powerful choice we have to make.

Episode 61: Consecrate Yourself Today

Consecrate yourself to God. Do it today! God has called us to set ourselves apart from the ways
of the world and give ourselves wholly to Him. In this episode, Steve talks about why consecration is so vital to our lives as Christians and why we can so easily miss out on
everything God has to offer.

Episode 60: Fruitless Religion

We must confront fruitless religion. Something is wrong when our churches are sick and the power of God is absent. What’s the problem? Steve goes to the Bible: in Luke 13, Jesus spoke a message to the Jewish religion that we must hear today. We as believers can and must make changes. Only then will revival come.

Episode 59: In God’s Image

We have been created in God’s image! Why? In this episode, Steve explains why it is important that we were made in God’s image and what this means for our lives. We have a purpose on this earth. The people of God have hope and the promise of resurrection life and eternity through Jesus Christ. It’s time to pursue God and start restoring His glory!

Episode 58: God’s Glory In This Age

Pandemics, nuclear weapons, hunger, and war! These are the dangers of the times we live in. But God’s glory is also for this present age! Revival will come. Some people resist revival and say that it is not in line with the Biblical “end times.” Steve clears up their misconceptions in this episode and gives us reasons why we should hope for and expect an outpouring of the Spirit of God!

Episode 57: A Voice For God

The church has lost its voice! Who will be a voice for God? Our world is filled with chaos, turmoil, divisiveness, and politics. People get outraged about all kinds of things and get loud. So how can we remain silent? In this episode, Steve looks at the John the Baptist and the patterns of holiness and consecration that God’s people have lost. If we would just repent, and turn to the Lord!

Episode 56: Holy Spirit Power

Be filled with the Holy Spirit! The power of God is alive and moving in the present day just as it was on Pentecost and in the Bible. In this episode, Steve tackles erroneous beliefs about the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. Will we seek God our own way or the Bible’s way? Do we give God free rein to work and move in our lives?

Episode 55: Break Out of Babylon

Are we on the verge of revival yet?! We will be when we break out of Babylon: all the world’s ungodly ways. In this episode, Steve shares one major sign of revival. When revival is near, people act a certain way. If we know what it is, we can start making changes in our hearts, our lives, and our churches. We don’t have to wait for revival if we just do all that it takes to draw near to God!

Episode 54: Who Caused This Storm?

Who caused this storm? Our ever-changing world is full of chaos and turmoil, and the global pandemic is just the latest sign that something is wrong. In this episode, Steve discusses the ways that God speaks to and corrects His people. Maybe this pandemic is God trying to speak to us, His Church! God’s people must listen!

Episode 53: The Cost of Revival

A true disciple will give up everything to follow Jesus—that is also what’s required of leaders of revival. In this episode, Steve explains what Jesus meant about discipleship and delves into the cost of revival. Revival does not come because people are often unwilling to do what it takes to get it.

Episode 52: Rescue The Lost

Jesus came to rescue THE LOST. Who are ‘the lost’? In this episode, Steve answers that question and exposes a common misconception about the purpose of revival. How can we get revival if we’re confused about why we need it, where we need it, and what revival truly is?

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