Archives: Podcast

Episode 27: Strange Fire

What is the STRANGE FIRE? In this episode, Steve teaches on Leviticus 10, to help us understand how we should be approaching God. It all comes down to discerning between “self-willed religion” versus God’s preference. Let’s fan the flames of God’s fire together!

Episode 26: The Jesus Gospel

The Jesus Gospel is the truth and the only one we need. Steve, along with guests Frank DiPietro and Frank Seamster, discusses the true Gospel versus the other gospels being preached. This episode tackles some of the current attitudes and mindsets that hinder revival in today’s churches. The Good News lives: Jesus is alive and on the move, and we have hope for revival.

Episode 25: Stop Talking About Yourself

Stop talking about yourself and start talking about the real Jesus! One major problem that exists today in America is the preaching about “another Jesus.” Steve, along with guests Frank Seamster and Frank DiPietro, talk about preaching, revival history, and why we need revival today in America.

Episode 24: The Mis-Education of Identity

Are children in schools today suffering a mis-education of identity? What exactly are they being taught? What role are schools playing in shaping their thoughts, beliefs, and identity? Steve, along with special guests J.D. King and Zion Vierra, address what is going on with public schools today and how we all must find our identity in Christ alone.

Episode 23: Leaders For The Next Revival

Where are the leaders for the next revival? You could be one of those leaders if you position yourself so that God can pick you. Steve explains the importance of living a life of holiness, disentanglement, and sitting at the feet of Jesus.

Episode 22: Christians and Aliens

What do Christians and aliens have in common? In this episode, Steve, along with special guests Pastor J.D. King and Zion Vierra, talks about UFO sightings that have landed in the news recently. Why do people care about UFOs? How does this relate to revival? Listen to find out!

Episode 21: Forget The Past

We must forget the past and pursue a future of freedom in God! In this episode, Steve tackles the problem of religion and how its presence in our lives hinders us unknowingly from being renewed by God and fully alive. The religion of our past threatens to make us stuck so that we are powerless in the present. If we miss what God is doing today, then we will miss the mighty works of God in the future. Let’s press forward together!

Episode 20: You Are Not Helpless!

YOU ARE NOT HELPLESS! God created us to be vulnerable jars of clay. On our own, we as humans have weakness and temptations, chips and cracks. In God, we have His all-surpassing power. We are made strong and we bring glory to Him. If we would only tap into His all-surpassing power inside of us, then we could stop being helpless.

Episode 19: The Debt-Free Life

What is the debt-free life? It’s not about money, credit cards, or financial wealth. In this episode, Steve unlocks the power behind the words, “You don’t owe me anything.” Jesus doesn’t hold a debt over our heads in exchange for salvation and the place He gives us in His Kingdom. We don’t owe God anything outside of our love, devotion, and loyalty. Once we experience transformation in Jesus and the renewing of our minds, other people don’t owe us anything. We can have new freedom when we start embracing the debt-free life!

Episode 18: The Indestructible Life

You can live the indestructible life! What stands in your way is the devil, the strong man. We don’t have to be afraid because God is casting out the strong man; God is the Stronger Man! It’s time to let God be God. God will use His mighty power to attack the powers of darkness and drive the clutter of the devil out of our lives. He has already won. You are indestructible in God!

Episode 17: Are You Fully Human?

Are you fully human? In this episode, Steve reveals what being a new creation in Christ means and how easily we can rob ourselves or be robbed of living the fullest human life here on earth. The Spirit of God offers us freedom and healing. Let’s draw near to God and stop falling for the devil’s tricks!

Episode 16: …But I’m Afraid

…But I’m afraid! How often is that thought the reason why we don’t try new things or make certain life choices? Fear not only hinders our lives but also our churches. The spirit of fear opposes revival. We must not cling to what’s familiar at the expense of advancing God’s Kingdom and reviving the people of God.

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