Archives: Podcast

Are You Thirsty? (1996)

Revival comes to those who hunger and thirst for the living God. Are You Thirsty?
Date: 08/30/96

Revival or Riot (1998)

Revival or Riot? The choice is up to you. Classic Revival message from Pastor Steve Gray.
Date: 09/06/1998

Episode 3: We Need the Real Jesus

What hinders the outbreak of revival today? Steve explains how we need devotion to ignite revival. Also, Steve exposes the false versions of Jesus that exist in our world today. We must have the real Jesus come revive our lives and America!

Episode 2: Life to the Half-Dead

What is revival? Steve describes the power and presence of God that transcends humanity, revealing common misconceptions about “revival.” Learn what empowered Steve to be a leader of two revivals and what you can do to bring revival to your life and your church!

Break Free From The Crowd (1998)

Give Jesus the place of honor He deserves. Break free from the crowd and lavish your love on Him with this compelling message by Steve Gray. Date: 09/05/1998

Episode 1: When God Comes Down

God brought revival to a small town and transformed Steve’s entire life! Steve shares his personal transformation and experiences pastoring the Smithton Outpouring and the Kansas City Revival.

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