About This Episode:

In Luke 13:23, someone asks Jesus, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” In those days, it did not refer to dying and going to heaven; instead, saved meant to be rescued for the Kingdom of God and to rule and reign with the Messiah on earth forever. Jesus answers, “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to” (v. 24). 

Jesus is The Way but the narrow way does not just stop at believing Jesus exists. The narrow door is the way to the Kingdom; to enter you have to not only believe in Jesus but then be His disciple. The way you’re going is not narrow if it’s cheap, easy, and undemanding of your time and energy. It takes A LOT of effort—we must make every effort to follow Jesus and take His Word seriously! 

The narrow way is a matter of the heart. We must ask ourselves: What do I love? Who am I going to follow? Am I going to keep my heart pure? We are going the wide way when we give ourselves plenty of liberty on the inside to think, feel, and then do whatever we want. If we choose the narrow way, we must stop giving ourselves permission to be fearful, angry, bitter, unforgiving, etc. 

Many people will not be able to enter the narrow way… 

Of course, unbelievers, selfish people, and wicked people will be barred. But Jesus warns about many who cannot enter because they don’t realize the entryway into the Kingdom is narrow. No one told them! The presence and power of God can only come into our churches if the Gospel of Jesus—the narrow way—is preached.

Further Bible Reading:

Luke 13:22-24 (NIV)

22 Then Jesus went through the towns and villages, teaching as he made his way to Jerusalem. 
23 Someone asked him, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” He said to them, 
24 “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.
  • What is the narrow way versus the wide way?
  • Are you going the narrow way?
  • List any liberties and/or permissions from the wide way that you’re giving yourself.
  • What will you change in your life to make every effort for God and His Kingdom?
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Quotes To Remember:

  • 02:18 To be saved was to be rescued for the Kingdom of God and to rule and reign with the Messiah forever on the earth.
  • 03:54 If you want to enter the Kingdom, you’ve got to be a disciple. That’s when it gets narrow.
  • 06:30 The wide way is the way we give ourselves so much liberty in our hearts and minds. To do whatever we want. To think whatever we want. To carry around as much fear, anxiety, anger, and bitterness as we want.
  • 11:45 There are people who want in. They’ve always wanted in the Kingdom. They want to know Jesus. But we give them such a wide way that all they do is attend church.
  • 12:02 The narrow way is narrowing our hearts down to Jesus. It’s Him, and nothing else matters.
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