Archives: Podcast

Foundation for Revival

How do we develop a foundation for revival? In this episode, Steve answers that question! Revival doesn’t just happen. The church and the people of God must be ready for a move of God! We must understand God’s will and character. God gives us absolutes, while the devil tries to trick us with the details. Listen to this episode to learn how to navigate the absolutes and details and learn how to live an unshakeable life of faith in God!

A Fresh Anointing

You can receive a fresh anointing from God! Revival, prophecy, revelation of the Word of God, and His power…you can have it all if you want and pursue God. Steve shares some key scriptures to understanding the God’s ways. Listen to this favorite episode of RUN to get some tips on grabbing hold of that fresh anointing.

Are You Fully Human?

Are you fully human? In this episode, Steve reveals what being a new creation in Christ means. God’s version of humanity offers us abundant life and revival here on earth! Freedom and healing belong to us if we would only walk with the Spirit of God. Don’t let the devil rob you, and don’t rob yourself! Listen and learn how to stop falling for the devil’s tricks and start living in His fullness!

Holy Spirit Power

The Holy Spirit will change your life forever! You can be filled with God’s power! The Book of Acts overflows with miracles, the rise of the church, and revival. Pentecost continually amazes believers but serves as just a beginning for what God has planned for His people. God’s revival of holiness continues through the present day. Unfortunately, some people in every age want to deny His power and hinder the Spirit. Will you reject the Holy Spirit, or will you choose to be filled with the Holy Spirit and with fire?

Myth of Self-Esteem

Why do I feel bad about myself? Steve, along with guests J.D. King and Zion Vierra, answer this question and unpack the myth of self-esteem. This modern world offers constantly offers solutions to feeling good about yourself, but none of those answers can heal, transform, and empower you like God can.

Living Water, Living Sacrifice

Revival means that we will have Jesus’ torrents of living water flowing out of us! The world is ever changing, and the church has gotten stale with religion. God has called us to be a living sacrifice, holy, and conformed to His image. It’s time to put God first and stop clinging to the world.

Feed The Spirit

Feed the spirit! Don’t let your spirit dry up and starve. If you have, it’s not too late… God can bring you personal revival! In this episode, Steve explains the Biblical concept of “walking by the Spirit.” We as believers not only love God but also must let the Spirit lead our lives.

For God’s Use Only

Have you set yourself apart from the world for God’s use only? We need a revival of holiness! If we make every effort to be holy, we will experience God and His mighty power. God wants to maintain a relationship with us; we can make revival last when we live to be set apart with Him. In this favorite RUN episode, Steve shares practical ways to pursue holiness and increase God’s presence in your life.

Demolish Every Stronghold

In the name of Jesus, you can start demolishing every stronghold! Maybe your emotions, your past, and your worries grip you and won’t let go…when we should be gripped only by God and His power. In this episode, Steve explains how the war between two kingdoms—Jesus and Satan—rages. We cannot escape this clash in the heavenlies, so it’s time to equip ourselves and take a stand with our God.

The Battle Within You

The battle raging within you can be won! So many people struggle in their relationships and experience turmoil in their lives. Steve goes to the book of James for God’s solution to the problem. We blame our circumstances, coworkers, bosses, friends, and family members…but the cure to our troubles might just come when we deal with ourselves. Jesus wants to bless us and help us; His everlasting life changes us from the inside out for the better. Now you must choose peace.

From Fear to Faith: Pt. 2

God empowers us to go from fear to faith! When the storms of life threaten us, it can be easy to freeze and let yourself be overcome by fear. In this episode, Steve reminds us that Jesus will not let you drown! You don’t have to let the past rule your present. So don’t let fear ruin your life. Remember who rides in the boat with you. Someone greater and stronger than you calms the storm and brings peace to your mind.

From Fear To Faith: Pt. 1

You can go from fear to faith! So many people allow fear to control their lives and decisions. Where fear strangles us, faith frees us. Jesus came to give us new life; His revival brings inside-out transformation. In this episode, Steve shares how life without fear stops being impossible when we allow ourselves to rely on Jesus, who conquered sin and death. Let’s make the switch: stop choosing fear, and start choosing faith!

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